About us

Membrace is a flexible content moderation platform that combines ML and Human-In-The-Loop into effective ready-to-go solutions

We believe that low-quality or inappropriate content might put the platform's reputation at risk as well as reflect on the company's LTV.

Why working with Membrace?

  • 15M
    Cases per day
    Membrace offers high-quality moderation for user-generated content reaching the accuracy of more than 98% even in nonstandard cases. We apply a multitude of QA methods ​to both our human-in-the-loop moderators ​and our ML models to bring you the most accurate results.
  • 200ms
    From request to result
    Real-time moderation
    Membrace's ML technologies allow real time moderation for 90% of items while the average speed of crowd check takes only around 15 minutes. We have over 2M workers distributed over the globe, so manual checks are available 24/7.
  • 95%
    High accuracy in nonstandard cases
    We work with E-Commerce and Gaming platforms, Online Communities and Dating Services and moderate more than 15M cases per day. Membrace can process any volume of data including spikes caused by spam attacks, breaking news, flash mobs or organic growth.

Membrace will help to make moderation on your platform faster and cheaper

Membrace will help to make moderation on your platform faster and cheaper, providing end-to-end moderation so that you can focus on your core business functions. We can also improve you current solutions and bolster your in-house content moderators using ready-to-go ML models. All our solutions are available via the same API, which allows you flexibly configure our integration.

Our crowd force can handle any ​granularity of detail, and our models continue to learn from incoming ​user data. We provide flexible moderation class and solutions which are customizable to your business's values and content policies. Thanks to the combination of ML and Crowd we offer high precision for changing data and rare classes.

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